
Accidental Eminent Domain Of Squirrels

Seeing that it is fall, we didn’t expect the surprise we found while removing trees from my Mom’s yard.  After several hours of work, we heard this high-pitched crying.  Lo and behold, under all the pine needles we found a baby squirrel.  Then we found another, and another, and another.  We unfortunately took down a tree with a very active brood of squirrels that still had their eyes closed.  

Not knowing what to do and fearful that they were dehydrated, we attempted to feed them a hydration solution that one website recommended.  The babies were not at all interested in this activity.  Knowing that the best chance of survival was for them to be with their mother we decided to keep them in a bucket until all our work was completed to keep them safe.  Once dusk arrived we moved them to a box filled part way with leaves.  We placed the box on the lowest branch and waited.  It only took Mama 12 minutes to find her babies!  She reached into the box and grabbed the babies one at a time carrying them to an existing nest from a previous brood.  We were all excited that all the squirrels made it to their new home safely!

So if you ever come across a baby squirrel that fell from his nest you now know how to assist Mama squirrel in keeping her baby safe.